1 is there a misconception that females are more or less violent than males if so why does the misconception exist and using this research how can changes to policy or practice make a difference in female delinquency
Tracy, P.E., Kempf-Leonard, K., & Ambramoske-James, S. (2009). Gender differences in delinquency and juvenile justice processing: Evidence from national data. Crime & Delinquency, 55(2), p. 171-215. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0011128708330628 (Links to an external site.).
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0011128708330628 (Links to an external site.)
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Then, answer the following:
a. Who are the author’s of the article?
b. What is the primary hypothesis or proposition of the article?
c. What research methodology and methods were employed in the article to support or deny the hypothesis or proposition?
d. What conclusions did the authors find?
Finally, answer the following critical thinking questions:
1. Is there a misconception that females are more or less violent than males? If so, why does the misconception exist and, using this research, how can changes to policy or practice make a difference in female delinquency?
2. Historical treatment of females in juvenile court has been for minor and status offenses. This research appears to indicate that females are involved in much more serious offenses at younger ages. What might explain this change?
3. What policy or practice, if any, do you think should be changed based on this research?