unit 4 discussion sciology
Unit 4: Discussion
The discussion groups serve as the main form of communication and collective learning in this course. You have been assigned to a discussion group and you will learn together throughout the course. The purpose of the boards is to respond and ask questions about the readings with your classmates. If you quote the readings, please use proper citation.
After reading the required selections, please post a response and a follow-up question to the group thread by Wednesday 11:59 pm CT. You will also need to respond to two classmates’ questions/post by Sunday 11:59 pm CT.
Discussion Question:
Violence against women is a key concern within feminism today. Below are a variety of different issues, movements, or organizations focused on violence against women. The causes range in scope and goals. Review the information on the web links provided and discuss the following questions. Make sure each link is addressed within the group. Starting a thread from each link may be helpful to organize the discussion.
- How is the problem defined? What are the strategies for social change?
- What programs or initiatives are related to the topic?
- Does this organization/group/movement frame their action as feminists? If not, would you consider this a feminist cause?
- What are the potential controversies and debates around the issue? How might an opponent of the cause/movement/organization frame their position? How might you engage in dialogue with them?
- United Nations: International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, 6 February (Links to an external site.)
- Time’s Up Now (Links to an external site.)
- Me Too Movement (Links to an external site.)
- Hope House (Links to an external site.)
Due Dates
- First post due 11:59 p.m., Thursday, CT.
- Respond to 2 or more classmates by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.