watch a movie answer 6 questions
You are going to watch the movie Suffragette (link below)
After you have seen the movie, please write: (No more than one paragraph per question)
1. Which character did you [admire, hate, love, pity] the most?
2. What was the strongest emotion that you felt when watching the film?
3. What did you learn from this movie? Observations? Thoughts? Comments?
4. Your thoughts about Maud Watts, the 24 year old laundry worker’s choice between her family and joining the social movement? What would be your choice?
5. What are your thoughts about Emmeline Pankhurst role?
6. Research and evaluate the historical accuracy of the film.
Do not write a descriptive paragraph! What I am looking for is your input. Each student will have a unique input based on their own culture, philosophy of life, upbringing, experiential opportunities, family, religion, ….. A descriptive paragraph is when you write about what is the movie about, who participated and who was the director. (I am not interested on that information, because everybody knows that.)
I am looking for a criticism. Do you believe the movement was worth at all? Did the movement had an impact on society? What would you do differently? Would you participate or be an observer and why?
So, there is no right way to think about the movie at this point, but your thoughts are valuable and unique to me. Like I said and requested: ONE sentence that you have developed to express your thoughts. It could be even ONE word. But, this one word is more valuable than a description of the movie because we can find that anywhere.