experiences observations ideas benefits on below topics 0 plagiarism and free from articulation grammar errors
Post – 350 to 400 words
Data mining, CRISP-DM and SEMMA, and predictive modeling
Pick one topic below and expound on it. The content will come from own experiences, observations, ideas, benefits, and/or research. In Post, use the APA style (with References and In-Text Citation) and it should be limited to 10% to 20% of the Posts’ content.
Pick one “Post A, B, or C†(below)
Post A
What are some of the data mining (pp.197-203+) aspects that should lead to business benefits?
Post B
Compare and contrast CRISP-DM and SEMMA (pp. 212-213), and which data mining process/methodology is thought to be the most comprehensive?
Post C
In the opening vignette, predictive modeling (pp. 244-247) is described as estimating the future using the past data. Predictive Modeling Helps Better Understand and Manage Complex Medical Procedures, Why is this important (in- healthcare)?
**References in APA format.