power point 132
Practical Exercise – PowerPoint
Design and Create a short Presentation about your favorite movie (nothing animated/cartoon)
Create a short presentation (minimum 6 slides) about the movie.You may choose anyone you want (nothing animated/cartoon).Be sure to give me some background information, not just information about the movie and/or actors.
Example:Why it was almost not filmed?Who created it?Why?, etc…
Be sure to use the 7×7 Rule.This does not mean that every slide has 7 lines and 7 words.That is the maximum amount of text that should be on a slide if needed.
- Maximum of 7 lines per slide
- Maximum of 7 words per line
A paragraph that has been separated into 7 lines with 7 words is not following the 7×7 rule.
You MUST include the following in the presentation:
- Use text that tells me about your chosen movie
- Pick an appropriate Design Theme
- Use Word Art for your Title on the Title page
- Use images that are appropriate to the presentation
- Apply effects to the images
- Add frames, effects,
- Use shapes to enhance your presentation
- You MUST include a shape on the Title slide
- Use an image/picture as a background for a slide
- Use a texture as a background for a slide
- Apply a transition (same transition throughout the presentation)
- Include a footer on all slides except the Title Slide
- Include your name and Student ID number in the footer
- Change the Document Properties
- Include
- Name
- Subject
- Tags (use a minimum of 3 keywords, separated by commas)
- Include
- BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN with the presentation.
Save your presentation as yourname_P1