homework help 2 questions 2 page max response essay please choose wither washington or oregon states
Each question should be answered in a maximum 2 page short answer essay consisting of a short introduction, body and conclusion. Please cite all ideas not your own – in-line citations are fine for course materials, eg., (Gray, Hanson, Kousser, 2017, page 35) but any other sources should be fully cited using APA format. Please proof read your work. These essays should be individually written. Please follow the guidelines for written assignments (12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font, one inch margins).
Question 1: You are the newly elected governor of a state (pick one). Write a memo to the bureaucracy describing your goals for how you will lead them. Specifically name and describe 3-5 key ideas. Consider the audience here.
Question 2: Compare and contrast the job of a legislator with that of a governor. What are the key roles that each actor plays? Which job do you think would be more challenging? Describe why.
text book used is “politics in the american states” by gray, hanson and kousser 2018