analysis critique and comparison of reading
500 words comparison and critique of reading. MAKE SURE ALL POINTS MADE ARE RELEVANT and SPECIFIC.!!!!!!!!!
MAIN assigned reading: Impersonal Influence: How Perceptions of Mass Collectives Affect Political Attitudes. by Diana Mutz. (pg 62- 96)
200 words comparison the reading: Here you compare the assigned reading (Mutz) to theories presented in the Ermakoff reading or the Noelle-Neumann reading (attached) by answering the following questions.
(1) how does the author’s argument expand, challenge, or refine previous readings or previous theories?
(2) To what extent does this argument contribute to the theoretical and empirical understanding of the issue under consideration?
300 words critique the assigned reading: ONLY MUTZ PAPER here(no mention of other readings here)
1. provide a critical evaluation of the reading
2. what are the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s argument?
3. what is left ambitious, underdeveloped or unaddressed in the present reading? and what type of investigation could overcome these limitations?