750 1000 word argumentation persuasion essay
Argumentation Essay
Write a 750-1000 word argumentation/persuasion essay using any approach as a method of development.
Save your papers as DOC or DOCX so I can grade and offer feedback.
An effective argumentative essay must have evidence to make its case; most arguments that occur in daily life happen in the heat of the moment and are more likely directed toward saving one’s own pride than toward giving clear and supportive proof to one’s claims.
Writing Approach
Knowing how to brainstorm is going to save you from writing a weak essay. Also, knowing how to support your claims with evidence from outside sources will further strengthen your essay. For that reason, this assignment requires the use of two references. In addition, you will add a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. Finally, your Works Cited page will be in MLA (Modern Language Association) format so that all information provided will be easy for your reader to find.
Before attempting this essay:
- Review all of the chapter sections located in Lessons 6 and 7.
- Review the available documents and sources located at the Helpful Resources folder on the course menu.
Writing Assignment
Purpose: to persuade
Method of Development: your choice
Choose your own topic, but make sure that it is something that can actually be argued. You cannot argue something that is a fact. You can argue for or against something. Some examples are:
- Should teenagers be able to play violent video games?
- Should cellphones be allowed in the classroom?
- Is social media destroying the way we communicate?
The above items can be argued but there are many others to choose from. The choice is yours. If you have something in mind but you are unsure if it will work as an argumentative/persuasive essay, please send me a message through the Messages link for assistance.
- Brainstorm for topics.
- Choose one topic, choose a method of development, and organize all details accordingly.
- Research for appropriate evidence to support your argument. While you are researching, be sure to note all information necessary to fill out your Works Cited page for that entry.
- Remember your conclusion and your Works Cited page in MLA format.
- Apply MLA formatting, including parenthetical documentation and a works cited page, to an argumentation essay.
- Order resources that support your thesis.
- Produce an argumentation essay utilizing logic, evidence, and emotional appeal to persuade your reader to your viewpoint.
These objectives reflect the important concepts of this lesson and should be used to guide your studies and your preparation for examinations.
Introducing the British Council’s How to Write an Argumentative Essay animated video series. This is the first of five simple and easy to follow videos that will show you how you can improve your writing.
We will look at:
• Planning and question analysis• Writing a paragraph• Introduction and conclusion• Counter paragraph• Editing