2023 Week 6 and 7 Discussion 2525 unread replies 2525 replies Choose a particular pathogen and
Nursing 2023 Week 6 and 7 discussion MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
Week 6 and 7 Discussion 2525 unread replies 2525 replies Choose a particular pathogen and 2023 Assignment
Week 6 and 7 Discussion
2525 unread replies.2525 replies.
Choose a particular pathogen and review its virulence, common diseases produced by it, and possible treatments for the diseases, and share your findings on this discussion board.
Here are the discussion board requirements.
- The initial discussion post must be at least 200 words of content, referencing the week’s reading and including a scholarly source.
- Students will respond to two classmates weekly on the discussion board and give at least 50 words of feedback.
- All initial posts need a reference. Your initial post should never be all opinion. You need to refer to the reading and required resources.
- Discussion posts are due on Saturday 6/5/2021 at 11:59 PM EST. Initial discussion has to be posted by Saturday 6/12/2021 at 11:59pm
- Late discussion posts will not be accepted even with documentation because this is an attendance/participation grade for the week.
- Plagiarism of any kind will result in a “0”.
- You must post your initial post before you see other student’s responses. Adding a “.” or other short words/sentence to review what others provided before you give your initial post will be deleted, and the grade for the week’s board will be a 0.
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