2023 Research a health care initiative or legislative statue that is currently underway in your state or federally You may
Nursing 2023 Law & Legislation
Research a health care initiative or legislative statue that is currently underway in your state or federally You may 2023 Assignment
Research a health-care initiative or legislative statue that is currently underway in your state or federally. You may want to check with nursing organizations that have legislative departments that can provide their analysis on current health-care issues. You may also conduct online research to identify current issues. Discuss how you can take an active role as a health-care advocate (at the local, state- CA, or federal level as appropriate). Identify one tacitic to advocate for your identified initiative or legislation.
Due 3/31
- Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
- Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
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